\paper {
   top-system-spacing.basic-distance = #10
   score-system-spacing.basic-distance = #15
      markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = #20
   system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #20
   last-bottom-spacing.basic-distance = #10

 \header {

title = "Du machst alles neu" composer = "Text/Musik: Könige und Priester" arranger = "Chorsatz: Carola Hosch / Roland M. Eppelt" tagline = \markup \box \pad-markup #2 "Intro -- 1. -- Ref.++ -- 2. -- Ref. - Ref.+1 -- Intro/++ -- Bridge -- Ref.+1 -- Intro - Intro -- Outro" copyright = \markup \box \pad-markup #2 "Intro -- 1. -- Ref.++ -- 2. -- Ref. - Ref.+1 -- Intro/++ -- Bridge -- Ref.+1 -- Intro - Intro -- Outro" }

global = { \key b \major }


chordsIntro = \chordmode { \mark Intro

  b1 | s | e | s1 | gis:m | s | e | s |

sopranIntro = \relative b' {

  b2\segno gis4. fis8~ | fis4 s4 fis8. b16~b8 fis8~ | fis8 gis4. s2 | s1
  b2 gis4. fis8~ | fis4 s4 fis8. b16~b8 fis8~ | fis8 gis4. s2 | 

 altIntro = \relative b' {
  fis2 e4. dis8~ | dis4 \oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo b8. fis' 16~fis8 dis8~ | dis8 e4. \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo | \oneVoice r1 \voiceTwo
  fis2 e4. dis8~ | dis4 \oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo b8. fis' 16~fis8 dis8~ | dis8 e4. \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo  | 
 wordsIntro = \lyricmode {
  Ooh- _ _ Ooh- _ _ _ Ooh- _ _ Ooh-
 tenorIntro = \relative b' {
  fis2 e4. dis8~ | dis4 s4 b8. fis' 16~fis8 dis8~ | dis8 e4. s2 | s1
  fis2 e4. dis8~ | dis4 s4 b8. fis' 16~fis8 dis8~ | dis8 e4. s2  | 
 bassIntro = \relative b {
  dis2 b4. b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo b8. dis16~dis8 b8~ | b8 b4. \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo | \oneVoice r1 \voiceTwo  
  dis2 b4. b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo b8. dis16~dis8 b8~ | b8 b4. \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo | 
  \bar "||"

% Strophe chordsVerse = \chordmode { \mark Strophe

	b1 | s | e | s | 
	b1 | s | e | s | 
	b1 | s | e | s | 
	gis:m | s | e | 

womenVerse = \relative b {

	r2 r8 
	b8 b b | fis'4 fis e e8 e~ | e dis8~ dis4 r8 
	b8 b8 b8 | fis'4 fis fis e8 e~ | e dis8~dis4 r4
	b8 b | fis'4 fis e e8 e~ | e dis4 r8 
	b8. cis16~cis8 dis~ |dis8. cis16~ cis16 b8 b16~ b4 r4

	b'8 cis | dis2 cis4 cis8 cis~ | cis b4. r4
	b8 cis | dis4 e4 cis b8 cis~ | cis b4. r4
	b8 ais | gis4 dis' dis cis8 cis~ | cis b4 r8
	b8. cis16~cis8 dis~ |dis8. cis16~ cis16 gis8 b16~ b4 r4 

wordsVerseA = \lyricmode {

	_ "1. Mei" -- ne Hoff -- nung ist le -- ben -- dig
	Mein Fun -- da -- ment in dir be -- stän -- dig
	Auch wenn mein Ver -- stand be -- grenzt ist,
	Trau ich Dir al -- les zu!

	Du hast gu -- te Ge -- dan -- ken, 
	die mich fest in dir ver -- an -- kern
	Und weil ich in dei -- ner Hand bin, 
	Trau ich Dir al -- les zu!

wordsVerseB = \lyricmode {

	"2. In" mei -- nen dre -- ckig -- sten Mo -- men -- ten
	_ Wenn ich zwei -- fel, wer ich selbst bin
	Will ich nur noch zu dir ren -- nen, 
	Ich trau Dir al -- les zu!

	Du liebst ü -- ber -- na -- tür -- lich 
	Du bist gü -- tig und bist für mich
	Ich ver -- trau dir, denn du lügst nicht, 
	Ich trau Dir al -- les zu!

%Refrain chordsRefr = \chordmode { \mark Refrain

	b1 | s | e | s | 
	gis:m | s | e | s | 
	b1 | s | e | s | 
	gis:m | s | e | s | 
 sopranRefr = \relative d'' {
	\oneVoice r8 \voiceOne b8 b b b8. b16~ b8 fis8~ | fis4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceOne | 
	\oneVoice r4 \voiceOne fis8 fis b8. fis16~fis fis8 fis16~ | fis gis8.~gis4 \oneVoice r2 \voiceOne |
	%Takt 1+2 = 5+6 
	\oneVoice r8 \voiceOne b8 b b b8. b16~ b8 fis8~ | fis4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceOne | 
	\oneVoice r8 \voiceOne gis gis gis b8. b16~b gis8 gis16~ | gis e8 e16~e4 \oneVoice r2 \voiceOne |

	\oneVoice r8 \voiceOne b'8 b b b8. b16~ b8 b8~\segno | b4 \oneVoice r2. | r1 | \voiceOne 
	\oneVoice r1 | r2 \voiceOne b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. | r1 | \voiceOne 
	\oneVoice r1 \voiceOne

 altRefr = \relative b {
	s8 b8 b b fis'8. gis16~ gis8 dis8~ | dis4 s2. | 
	s4 b8 b fis'8. dis16~dis dis8 dis16~ | dis e8.~e4 s2 |
	%Takt 1+2 = 5+6 
	s8 b8 b b fis'8. gis16~gis8 dis8~ | dis4 s2. | 
	s8 b b b fis'8. gis16~gis dis8 dis16~ | dis cis8 b16~b4 s2 |

	s8 b8 b b dis8. e16~ e8 dis8~ | dis4 s2. | s1 |
	s1 | s8 b8 b b dis8. e16~ e8 dis8~ | dis4 s2. | s1
 wordsRefr = \lyricmode {
	Denn du machst al -- les neu
	Schön -- heit fällt wie der Re -- gen
	In dir blüht al -- les auf
	Du bist pul -- sie -- ren -- des Le -- ben _
	Denn du machst al -- les neu
	"(2. Denn" du machst) Al --  les neu
 tenorRefr = \relative b {
	s8 b8 b b dis8. e16~ e8 dis8~ | dis4 s2. | 
	s4 b8 b dis8. dis16~dis dis8 dis16~ | dis e8.~e4 s2 |
	%Takt 1+2 = 5+6 
	s8 b8 b b dis8. e16~ e8 dis8~ | dis4 s2. | 
	s8 b b b dis8. e16~e dis8 dis16~ | dis cis8 b16~b4 s2 |

	s8 b8 b b fis'8. fis16~ fis8 fis8~ | fis4 s2. | s1 |
	s1 | s2 fis8. fis16~ fis8 fis8~ | fis4 s2. | s1
 bassRefr = \relative b {
	\bar ".|:"
	\oneVoice r8 \voiceTwo b8 b b b8. b16~ b8 b8~ |  b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo | 
	\oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo b8 b b8. b16~b b8 b16~ | b b8.~b4 \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo |
	%Takt 1+2 = 5+6 
	\oneVoice r8 \voiceTwo b8 b b b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |  
	\oneVoice r8 \voiceTwo b b b b8. b16~b b8 b16~ | b gis8 gis16~gis4 \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo |

	\oneVoice r8 \voiceTwo b8 b b b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | \bar"||" b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo | \oneVoice r1 \voiceTwo |
	\oneVoice r1 \voiceTwo | \oneVoice r8 \voiceTwo b b b b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo | \oneVoice r1 \voiceTwo |
	\oneVoice r1 \voiceTwo
	\bar "||"

%Bridge chordsBridge = \chordmode { \mark Bridge

	b1 | s | b | s | 
	b1 | s | cis:m7 | s | 
	e1 | s | b | s | 
 sopranBridge = \relative b {
	\bar ".|:"
	 s2\pp b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 s2. |
	 s2 b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 s2. |
	s2 fis'8. fis16~ fis8 dis8~ | dis4 s2. |
	s2 \tuplet 3/2 { b'4 b b } | b8 b gis gis8~gis4 s4 |
	s2 b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 s2.
	s2\ff  <e b>8. <e cis>16~ <e cis>8 dis8~ | dis2. s4
 altBridge = \relative b {
	\oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |
	\oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |
	 \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo fis'8. fis16~ fis8 dis8~ | dis4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |
	 \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo \tuplet 3/2 { fis4 fis fis } | fis8 fis e e8~e4 \oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo |
	 \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo fis8. e16~ e8 fis8~ | fis4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |
	 \oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo gis8. gis16~ gis8 b8~ | b2. \oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo
 wordsBridgealt = \lyricmode {
	Al -- les neu, 
	al -- les neu, 
	Al -- les neu,
	Je -- sus du machst al -- les neu, 
	Al -- les neu, 

	Al -- les neu
 tenorBridge = \relative b {
	s2 b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 s2. |
	s2 b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 s2. |
	 s2 fis'8. fis16~ fis8 dis8~ | dis4 s2. |
	 s2 \tuplet 3/2 { fis4 fis fis } | fis8 fis e e8~e4 s4 |
	 s2 dis8. e16~ e8 e8~ | e4 s2. |
	 s2\ff e8. e16~ e8 fis8~ | fis2. s4
 bassBridge = \relative b {
	\oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |
	\oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |
	\oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |
	\oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo \tuplet 3/2 { b4 b b } | b8 b b b8~b4 \oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo |
	\oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo b8. cis16~ cis8 b8~ | b4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo |
	\oneVoice r2 \voiceTwo b8. b16~ b8 b8~ | b2. \oneVoice r4 \voiceTwo
	\bar "||"

%Ending chordsEnding = \chordmode { \mark Outro

 sopranEnding = \relative b' {
 	s8 b b b <fis' fis,>8. <fis fis,>16~ <fis fis,>8 <fis fis,>8~ | <fis fis,>4 s2.  

altEnding = \relative b {

 	\oneVoice r8 \voiceTwo b8 b b fis'8. fis16~ fis8 fis8~ | fis4 \oneVoice r2. \voiceTwo | 
	\bar "|."  

wordsEndingalt = \lyricmode {

	Denn du machst al -- les neu!

tenorEnding = \relative b {

 	\oneVoice r8  \voiceOne b8 b b fis'8. fis16~ fis8 fis8~ | fis4 \oneVoice r2.  |
	\bar "|."  

bassEnding = \relative b {

 	s8 b8 b b fis8. fis16~ fis8 fis8~ | fis4 s2. |

%Gesamtzusammemfassung \book { %Intro \score { << \new ChordNames { \germanChords \chordsIntro } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranVoice" { \global \sopranIntro } \new Voice = "altVoice" { \global \altIntro } >> \context Lyrics = LyricsIntro \lyricsto "altVoice" \wordsIntro \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenorVoice" { \global \tenorIntro } \new Voice = "bassVoice" { \global \bassIntro } >> >> >> } %Strophe \score { << \new ChordNames { \germanChords \chordsVerse } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "womenVoice" { \global \womenVerse } >> \new Lyrics = LyricsVerse \lyricsto "womenVoice" \wordsVerseA \new Lyrics = LyricsVerse \lyricsto "womenVoice" \wordsVerseB >> >> } %Refrain \score { << \new ChordNames { \germanChords \chordsRefr } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranVoice" { \global \sopranRefr } \new Voice = "altVoice" { \global \altRefr } >> \new Lyrics = "LyricsA" { s1 } \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenorVoice" { \global \tenorRefr } \new Voice = "bassVoice" { \global \bassRefr } >> \context Lyrics = LyricsA \lyricsto "altVoice" \wordsRefr >> >> } %Bridge \score { << \new ChordNames { \germanChords \chordsBridge } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranVoice" { \global \sopranBridge } \new Voice = "altVoice" { \global \altBridge } >> \new Lyrics = Lyrics \lyricsto "altVoice" \wordsBridgealt \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenorVoice" { \global \tenorBridge } \new Voice = "bassVoice" { \global \bassBridge } >> >> >> } %Ending \score { << \new ChordNames { \germanChords \chordsEnding } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = women << \new Voice = "sopranVoice" { \global \sopranEnding } \new Voice = "altVoice" { \global \altEnding } >> \new Lyrics = Lyrics \lyricsto "altVoice" \wordsEndingalt \new Staff = men << \clef bass \new Voice = "tenorVoice" { \global \tenorEnding } \new Voice = "bassVoice" { \global \bassEnding } >> >> >> } }

DatenschutzerklärungImpressum – 10. Februar 2019 20:20 ch