⚠ <|[[PmWiki/DocumentationIndex(#trailstart#trailend)|+]]|>
This page contains the most frequently used wiki markup, briefly. Follow the links in each section to learn more.
Markup concepts introduction
PmWiki markup can be applied to 'blocks' of text, and to text 'lines'. PmWiki markup is also used to read and save page, group, and wiki metadata through the use of variables. PmWiki markup can be used to process metadata variables though expressions and pagelists. PmWiki provides a wiki style markup that can be applied to text, lists?, paragraphs, and blocks.
Text markup, also known as wikitext is variable, see below, and in general broadly follows wiki conventions. Text markup only applies to single lines of text, delimited by a newline.
Block markup is applied to multiple lines of text as paragraph blocks and division blocks.
In PmWiki the most important markup is the directive.
The directive is signified by parenthesis and a colon, viz: (:...:)
The directive provides most of PmWiki's functionality.
Markup expressions {(...)}
, variable markup {$...}
, and wiki styles %...%
also provide PmWiki functionality.
See Links
External links
[[https://example.com"tool tip"]]
[[https://example.com | link text]]
[[link text -> https://example.com]]
Use [=link address=]
to escape any special characters, including quotes, spaces, parentheses and pipes.
Page links
[[page name]]
[[page (name)]]
[[PageName | link text]]
[[PageName | + ]]
(titled link)
[[PageName | # ]]
(anonymous numerical reference link)
[[PageName"tool tip"]]
[[link text -> PageName]]
(to create an anchor)
[[#anchor | link text]]
(to refer to an anchor)
[[#anchor | # ]]
(anonymous numerical reference link)
[[PageName#anchor | link text]]
(to refer to an anchor in another page)
See also WikiWord on how to enable WikiWord
WikiGroup links
See Links and Categories
[[GroupName/]] or [[Group name/]]
[[GroupName"tool tip"]]
[[GroupName/PageName]] or [[GroupName/page name]]
[[(GroupName.)page name]]
[[~Author Name]]
[[~Author Name | +]]
[[~Author Name | #]]
[[~Author Name | link text]]
[[~Author Name"tool tip"]]
[[!Category Name]]
InterMap links
See InterMap
Email links
[[mailto:someone@example.com | display text]]
[[display text -> mailto:someone@example.com]]
Upload links
[[Attach:file.odt | alternative text ]]
[[Attach:file with spaces.pdf]]
[[Attach:Groupname./file with spaces.pdf]]
Link Schemes?
In addition to http:
, https:
, mailto:
PmWiki also supports:
Images as Images
https://example.com/image.gif"alt text"
Attach:image.gif"My image"
Attach:Groupname./image.gif"image in another group"
Attach:Groupname.Pagename/image.gif"image on another page"
%lfloat% Attach:image.gif | Caption %%
(could be %rfloat%, %center%, %rframe%, %lframe%, %frame% )
%width=200px% Attach:image.gif %%
%thumb% Attach:image.gif %%
Images as links
[[PageName | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]]
[[https://example.com/ | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]]
[[https://example.com/ | https://example.com/image.png"alt text"]] | Caption
%rframe thumb% [[Attach:image.gif | Attach:image.gif"alt text"]] | Caption
Start-of-line markup
See List styles, Wiki styles and Cookbook:Wiki Styles Plus
* unordered list
** deeper list
# ordered list
# %item value=#%
arbitrary start number
# %decimal%, %roman%, %ROMAN%, %alpha%, %ALPHA%
start a question paragraph
start an answer paragraph
!! Heading
!!! Deeper heading
Paragraph blocks
-> indented text
-< hanging indent
<space> preformatted text
preformatted block
(horizontal rule)
blank line
is vertical space
at end of line joins next line
at end of line produces a line break
at the end of a line produces a blank line, even within a list item, n backslashes will produce n-1 blank lines
produces a line break that clears floating content
Division blocks
See Block markup, Wiki styles and Page directives
(:div class="" style="":)
Semantic HTML 5 elements
(:details summary="Summary":)...(:detailsend:)
Text markup
Character format
'''''strong emphasis'''''
[-small-], [--smaller--]
[+big+], [++bigger++]
'-small-', '+big+'
'^superscript^', '_subscript_'
{+inserted+} (underscore)
{-deleted-} (strikethrough)
[@escaped code@]
[=escaped text=]
Posting markup
(author's signature)
(author's signature and date)
(:encrypt phrase:)
-- replaced with encrypted form of phrase
Plain rows and columns of text
See Tables
||table attributes
||!table caption!||
||left aligned || centered || right aligned||
||!column heading||
||spanned columns ||||||
Structured tables
See Table directives
(:table attr:)
(:cellnr attr:)
(:cell attr:)
Page directives
See Page directives
(:redirect PageName:)
See Page directives Group headers
(:noheader:), (:nofooter:)
(:noleft:), (:noright:)
(:nogroupheader:), (:nogroupfooter:)
See Page directives, Comment markup, Page variables
(:title text:)
(:keywords word, ...:)
(:description text:)
(:comment text:)
includes from (:variable:text:)
See Include other pages, Page text variables
(:include PageName:)
(:include PageName#start#end lines=n paras=n:)
(:include Page1 Page2 Page3:)
includes from (:name:text:)
separate included text by conditional line break
Conditional markup
(:if (!) cond param:)...(:ifend:)
(:if (!) cond param:)...(:else:)...(:ifend:)
(:if (!) cond param:)...(:elseif (!) cond param:)...(:ifend:)
See Page lists
(:searchbox label=label order=-time:)
(:searchresults incl -excl group=abc fmt=def:)
(:pagelist incl -excl group=abc fmt=def:)
Other directives
See Page directives
see Table of contents
see PageDirectives#attachlist
see PageDirectives#markup
(:markup class=horiz:)...(:markupend:)
(:markup class=norender:)...(:markupend:)
(:markup caption='...':)...(:markupend:)
See Forms
(:input form method=get action=url enctype=multipart/form-data:)
(:input default name=xyz value="abc":)
(:input text name=first value="Bob" size=20:)
(:input textarea name=xyz [=value=] rows=2 cols=80:)
(:input submit name=post value="Go" accesskey=g:)
(:input reset:)
(:input hidden name=action value=edit:)
(:input radio name=xyz value="abc" checked=1:)
(:input checkbox name=xyz value="abc" checked=1:)
(:input password name=authpw:)
(:input file name=upload:)
(:input image name=xyz src="https:..." alt="Alt Text":)
(:input select name=xyz value="val1" label="Value 1":)
(:input select name=xyz value="val2" label="Value 2":)
(:input end:)
See also PmWiki Edit forms.
Wiki trails
See Wiki trails
Page variables
See Page variables, Page text variables, Page lists
{$variable}, {pagename$variable}, {groupname.pagename$variable}
{$:variable}, {pagename$:variable}, {groupname.pagename$:variable}
Set a page text variable
Page list templates special variables
{=$variable}, {<$variable}, {>$variable}
{=$:variable}, {<$:variable}, {>$:variable}
{(function arg)}
⚠ <|[[PmWiki/DocumentationIndex(#trailstart#trailend)|+]]|>
This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:MarkupMasterIndex, and a talk page: PmWiki:MarkupMasterIndex-Talk.
Datenschutzerklärung – Impressum – 24. März 2022 07:53 simon